Rodo Gener
Professional experience
Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor Rodo Gener , actor
By marta Butxaca. Dir. marga Lopez
Mar de Fons (sea swell)
produced by, Iguana Teatre, Teatre lliure & Teatre Principal de palma
Directed by Pere Fullana
One night I dreamed that I lived in Menorca
Rwritten by Iosune Arriaran Mas, Toni Gener Ferrero, Maria Villalonga, Joana M. Garau, Jordi Vila, Joan Triay i Vidal, Graziela Lleonart i Tània Aguilera
The Class
By SergioBaos, Dir. Joan M. Albinyana
El Somni Produccions
A Streetcar Named Desire
By Tennessee Williams, Dir. Sergio Baos
A El Somni production
Character: Stanley Kowalski
The Conference
By Rodo gener & Alex tejedor Dir. Alex tejedor
A "LookAtMe" production
The Balcony
By Jean Gener. Dir. Rafel Duràn
a Teatre Principal de Palma production
The comedy of errors
De William Shakespeare Dir. Pitus fernandez
Produced by Teatre Principal de Palma. 2014.
Character, Antipholus of Syracuse
Z and the room 113.
By Joan Carles Bellviure, Dir. Carles Molinet
Coproduced by La Impaciència & La Iguana Teatre. 2014.
Ma perché Pirandello
By Luiggi Pirandello & Salvador Oliva, Dir. Pitus Fernandez
Coproduced by La Impaciència & La Clota. 2013.
Second Origin Typescript
By Manuel de Pedrolo, Dir Salvador Oliva.
A La Impaciència production. 2012.
"Bòtil" Award for the best show in Vilafranca Festival 2012.
By Carlos Garrido (based on “the Odyssey”).Dir Dominic Hull.
Production: Abril Cultura . 2012
Character, Odysseus
Lucrècia or Free Rome
By Joan Ramis i Ramis, Dir. Sergi Marí
Produced by La Trup. 2011.
"Bòtil" Award for the best show in Vilafranca Festival 2011.
Character, Col·latino
Someone Who'll Watch Over Me
By Frank McGuinness. Dir. Alex Tejedor
Produced by La Fornal. 2011.
"Escènica" Award for the Best Show, Best Director and Best Actor (Rodo Gener)
Character, Edward.
The Marathon
By Salvador Oliva, Dir.Jordi Cumellas.
A La Impaciència production. 2010.
"Escènica" Award for the Best Script and Bset Actress. Nominee for Best Show, Best Costume design and Best Actor (Rodo Gener)
The card game
Writted and directed by Oscar Sanz.
Produced by La Partida. 2010.
The Donkey Argument
By Anselm Turmeda, dir. Albert Mestres.
A La Patacada Production. 2009.
Death of a Lady
By LLorenç Villalonga, dir. Rafel Duràn
Produced by Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, 2009
"Butaca" Award for the Best Actress, best Costume desingn and Best Lighting Design. "Escènica" Award for the Best Show, Best Director, Best Script, Best scenography and Best costume design.
Charactet, Xim Puigdesaura
Memories to Ivanov
By Albert Tola and Pep Tosar, dir. Pep Tosar.
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Critics Award 2009 for the Best Direction. "Serra d'Or" Award for the Best Show.
By Stephen Belber, dir. Alex Tejedor.
Coproduced by La Fornal & Lookatme Productions. 2007.
Alcover Project selection 2008.
Character, Jon
By Albert Herranz. Dir. Luca Bonadei.
Produced by La Impaciència. 2006.
Best Show in the 12th Barcelona Theatre Festival. Alcover Project selection 2007. "Bòtil" Award finalist 2006
A Summer Day .
By Slawomir Mrozeck. Dir.Màrius Hernandez
Produccion: La Fornal. 2005
Alcover Project selection 2006
By Antoni Oliver. Dir.Biel Jordà
Produced by T.I.C. 2005.
Alcover Project selection 2005.
Much Ado About Nothing
By W. Shakespeare. Dir. Konrad Zschiedrich.
A Rafel Oliver production. 2005
Character, Dogberry.
The Boat
By Juan Pablo Vallejo. Dir. Pitus Fernandez
Produced by La Clota. 2004
A Greek Tragedy
Created & directed by Enric de las Heras.
Produced by Elastic 9. 2004.
Best Show in Vilafranca Festival 2004.
Twelfth Night, or What You Will
By W. Shakespeare. Dir. Pitus Fernandez
Produced by Rafel Oliver. 2003.
Character, Antonio.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
By W. Shakespeare. Dir. Pitus fernandez.
Produced by Rafel Oliver. 2001.
Caracter, Puck & Teseus
* Migjorn, 4th Season. Sitcom. IB3TV. 3 episodes
* Como Todas las Mañanas. Film. Dir. Toni Nievas.
* Suitcase, Shortfilm . Dir. Lluis Ortas.
* Rats. Shortfilm Dir. Javi Puieyo.
* High Tide, Shortfilm. Dir.Joan Carles Martorell
* Palma Pam a Pam, Documentary. Presenter.IB3TV. 13 episodes.
* Migjorn, 3th season. Sitcom. IB3TV. 9 episodes
* Migjorn, 2nd season. Sitcom. IB3TV.12 episodes
* Llàgrima de sang, 3th season. Leading role. IB3TV. 98 episodes
* Llàgrima de sang, 2nd season. IB3TV. 24 episodes
* Ventdelplà. TV3. 3 episodes
* Sin Previo Aviso.Shortfilm. Dir. Juan Ortega.
* Mossèn capellà. IB3TV.10 episodes
* Ous i Caragols, Sitcom produced by Nova Television. Leading role. 40 episodes
* Laberint de Passions, 2nd Season, produced by Nova Television. Leading role 160 episodes.
* Deshielo, Film. Leading role. Dir.Toni Nievas.
* Laberint de Passions, 1st Season, produced by Nova Television.10 episodes.
* Punt de Trobada, Magacine. by Singular audiovisuals
* Bosteza, Film. By Toni Nievas.
* Vallterra produced by Nova Television. Leading role. 100 episodes.
* Animales de Dirección, Shortfilm. By Toni Nievas.
* Bellpuig, First Stone, Documentary. By “La Perifèrica Produccions s.l.”.